1966 VOX TEMPEST XII Sunburst, 12 Srtings, very good conditions 100% original, straight and nice neck/fingerboard with good frets and low action. Vox Tremolo come in old and probabily original Italian case . code VA761
The styling of the solid body, three pickup Tempest XII was reminiscent of a Fender Stratocaster that had been stretched diagonally. The 1966 US Vox catalog described the Tempest XII guitar as follows: "12-string contoured body; 6 individual string bridges; quick flick 3 position pick-up switch; true spring action vibrato; adjustable master bridge channel; exclusive 2-way string damper; padded cushion on back; popular colors." The 1966 US Vox price list indicated that the retail price of the Tempest XII was $299.90 USD with case. Adjusting for inflation.The body shape of the Tempest XII was shared with the two pickup Vox Hurricane six string and the three pickup Vox Spitfire guitars. All three guitars were named after British World Wat II fighter planes.The Tempest XII was produced for Vox in Italy by Eko.
The original British Vox company is best known for
building ground breaking amplifiers made popular by The Beatles and many other
“Invasion” bands of that era as well as later artists such as Queen and Tom
Petty to name a few. It is not surprising that in 1961 they started building
guitars in England.
The earliest British Vox guitars I have had over the years, like the Stroller
and Clubman, were rather primitive student models. In 1962 they brought out the
Phantom with it’s five sided body which were popular with The Hollies, Dave
Clark Five and of course “Fang” of Paul Revere and the Raiders fame. In fact, I
was thought they looked so cool that I considered purchasing one at the time,
but the one I tried wasn’t set up properly and purchased a Hofner instead. In
1963 Vox brought out the Mark series with teardrop or lute shaped bodies made
popular by Brian Jones. It seems that during this period some guitars were
produced entirely in England, some had English bodies and Italian necks and
others were built entirely in Italy by the EKO company. In 1964 English
production ceased and all guitars were being produced in Italy.
This Tempest XII was built by the EKO company for VOX in or around 1966. By that
time VOX was taken over by a large corporation named Royston group who had
reciprocal trade agreements with Thomas Organ of California. It seems that
during that period guitars were considered cool and electronic organs were not (Hammond
B3s being the notable exception) and these organ guys couldn’t keep their hands
off the more exciting and glamorous guitar business. Who else could possibly
have conceived this unlikely instrument?
I have this vision of a bunch of home organ guys in suits with skinny ties and
crew cuts sitting around this conference table saying something like, “Let’s see,
12-string guitars are really popular. Three pick up guitars with whammy bars are
the most popular. Let’s combine the two and throw in a string damper for good
measure! We’ll really show those guys in Fullerton a thing or two!” No one
wanted to listen to the long haired dude with the flowered shirt who tried to
point out that if 12 string guitars are difficult to tune, and if whammy bars
frequently put your guitar out of tune, then this guitar will NEVER be in tune!
In fact they probably fired the guy or worse yet transferred him to the home
organ division! At least this is the way I imagine it happening. If you have
the real story please let me know.
Well the Tempest XII really does sound and play very well. The traditional Vox
neck and pickups are proven entities that actually work quite well with the 12
string format.
As it turns out fears about tuning issues are remarkably unfounded. I have just
been playing the Tempest along with a Los Straitjackets CD and gave the whammy
bar a pretty good work out. Used in moderation it stays in tune fairly well with
more issues on the wound strings. The string dampening unit is pretty useless
even for surf music. (I feel the same about the damper on the Fender Jaguar.) As
a teen I remember reading an article by Carl Wilson where he encouraged aspiring
surf guitarists to turn up the reverb and dampen the strings. I imagine that if
I owned a reverb I would have stood a good chance of electrocuting myself as I
had no idea what he was talking about but was sure it involved water and
In any event, while the Tempest XII may not have been one of Vox’s greatest
sales hits it is certainly a quality instrument of surprising functionality.